Terms and conditions

For the provision of services

I General terms


  • These Terms and Conditions for The Provision of Services (hereinafter - the Terms) govern the relationship between TEZRO Application owner TEZRO Swift UAB, registration number 305953774, registered office Eišiškių pl. 47-312, Vilnius, Lithuania (hereinafter - TEZRO) and the user of the application (hereinafter - the User) for the use of the Services provided by TEZRO.

  • By using the TEZRO Services, the User agrees to abide by these Terms.

  • Before using each TEZRO Service, the User is obliged to read the Terms.

  • If the User does not agree with the Terms, the User is prohibited from using the TEZRO Services.

  • These Terms apply to any use of the TEZRO Services and the resulting Purchase Agreements (if such Service involves the conclusion of a Purchase Agreement).


  • TEZRO - TEZRO Swift UAB, registration number 305953774, legal address Eišiškių pl. 47-312, Vilnius, Lithuania.

  • TEZRO Application - is an information platform-digital application named TEZRO.

  • User - is a natural (for some Services – economic operator) or legal person who uses the Services.

  • Services – one or more of the Services provides by TEZRO (Retail Trade Service, DeFi Staking Brokerage Service, Cryptocurrency Exchange Service).

Retail trade service definitions

  • Retail Trade Service - use of TEZRO Application technology, through which TEZRO acts as an intermediary between the User and the Seller to help them organize the purchase of Products more efficiently.

  • Seller - is a retail store or other TEZRO partner that has signed a partnership agreement with TEZRO and sells its Products through the TEZRO Application.

  • Products - are auxiliary materials, household goods and other goods, the availability of which in the TEZRO Application has been ensured by the Seller.

  • Purchase agreement - is an agreement between the User and the Seller on the purchase of the Products stipulated in the order.

  • Post-paid TEZRO token - the token assigned to the User in the TEZRO Application for each prepaid order EUR 1,00 (one euro), which the User has the right to use the next order for post-payment within 90 (ninety) days from the execution of the prepaid order. In case the User does not use the post-paid TEZRO token within 90 (ninety) days from the execution of the prepaid order, the respective post-paid TEZRO tokens are permanently deleted without prior notice.

Defi staking brokerage service definitions

  • DeFi (decentralized finance) – blockchain based applications that conduct financial transactions using blockchain smart contracts.

  • Staking - the safekeeping of cryptocurrency assets for the purpose of securing the operation of the blockchain in return for a cryptocurrency asset arising out of the operation of the Proof-of-Stake Consensus Mechanism. The User is warned that in accordance with the latest practice of the State Revenue Service of the Republic of Latvia, Staking is recognized as an economic activity that only economic operators are entitled to perform.

  • DeFi Staking - Staking using DeFi technology.

  • DeFi Staking Brokerage Service - use of TEZRO Application technology, through which TEZRO, as an intermediary, demonstrates projects to the User and provides User-related services, such as helping the User to place cryptocurrency assets on DeFi Staking platforms for a fee.

Cryptocurrency exchange service definitions

  • Cryptocurrency assets - means the encrypted or digital tokens or cryptocurrencies with a certain value that are based on blockchain and cryptography technologies and are issued and managed in a decentralized form.

  • Fiat assets - type of currency that is declared legal tender by a government.

  • Cryptocurrency Exchange Service - use of TEZRO Application technology, through which Cryptocurrency assets are exchanged for another Cryptocurrency assets or fiat currencies or vice versa.

  • Virtual Wallet - special accounts opened by User in TEZRO Application to deposit and withdraw Cryptocurrency assets and/or Fiat assets.

User registration in the tezro application

  • The User agrees to perform the registration procedure by keeping the secret phrase of 12 (twelve) words specified in the TEZRO Application and by filling in the registration form in the TEZRO Application.

  • The 12 (twelve) word secret phrase specified in the TEZRO Application is a unique and unrepeatable phrase, which the User is obliged to keep (write down) only in a place accessible to the User. The User is forbidden to disclose or pass on to third parties the secret phrase of his / her 12 (twelve) words. Using the 12 (twelve) word secret phrase assigned to the User, the User will be able to access the User's account, as well as perform all actions in the TEZRO Application. After saving the secret phrase of 12 (twelve) words, the User confirms in the TEZRO Application that the showed phrase has been saved and continues the registration process.

  • As long as the User Account is active in the TEZRO Application of the User's phone, the User may access his / her 12 (twelve) word secret phrase in the settings section of the TEZRO Application.

  • The User understands that TEZRO and no other third party have access to the User's 12 (twelve) word secret phrase and in case of its loss the 12 (twelve) word secret phrase cannot be restored.

  • The User confirms in the TEZRO Application that he has read these Terms within the registration process. After reading these Terms, the User becomes bound by these Terms.

  • When filling in the registration form, the User indicates his / her name, surname, as well as creates his / her unique username, which will be used in the Application. After entering the data required for registration specified in the registration form, the User must invent and enter a unique 4 (four) digit pin code in the TEZRO Application, which will be required for further actions in the TEZRO Application.

  • In order to place orders, the User must enter the delivery address data in his / her profile in the TEZRO Application, as well as enter the data on the bank card belonging to the User.

  • The User is responsible for the security and restriction of access to his User Profile in the TEZRO Application. All actions performed in the TEZRO Application using the User's account are considered performed by the User and are binding on the User.

  • The User agrees that he/she is obliged to immediately notify TEZRO of all cases where unauthorized (unauthorized) access to the User's profile has occurred and / or security breaches have been identified.

  • The User has the right to register only one profile in the TEZRO Application (it is forbidden to create several profiles). The creation of multiple profiles for the purpose of obtaining a misleading advantage is a violation of these Terms and may result in the immediate blocking of all User Profiles, as well as the impossibility of using all such usernames in the TEZRO Application.

II Retail trade service terms

Terms and conditions of receipt of retail trade service

The legal relationship for the sale and purchase of the Products (as well as their delivery) arises directly between the Seller and the User. TEZRO is not a party to the transaction for the sale of the Seller's Products to the User.

The User can place an order using the functionality of the TEZRO Application. The type of order and delivery terms are determined by the User, observing and using the conditions specified in the Application.

To order the Retail Trade Service, the User performs the following actions:

  • The User selects the Seller's page;

  • The User selects the Products from the product catalogue specified by the Seller;

  • The User fills information about the delivery address (including the correct name of the settlement, street (boulevard, street, highway, cross line, etc.), house number (including building), staircase number, apartment number, floor, intercom code) or by selecting the current delivery addresses from the available options (when making each new order, the User is obliged to check the accuracy of the above data);

  • If the User provides incorrect / erroneous information or TEZRO has serious reasons to believe that the information provided by the User is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, TEZRO has the right to suspend or cancel the User's registration and refuse to provide the Service to the User. In addition, TEZRO has the right to deduct the funds received from the User for the order, delivery and service fee as compensation for the costs and expenses of the services provided by the Seller;

  • The User chooses partial / full post-paid with post-paid TEZRO tokens (if used);

  • The User selects the payment method from the payment methods available in the TEZRO Application;

  • The User makes a payment for the Order.

Information on the quantity, availability, composition (if applicable), assortment and costs of specific goods is provided by the Seller. TEZRO places such data on the basis of the initial data provided by the Seller and is not responsible for the compliance of these Product parameters offered by the Seller.

Product photos posted on the TEZRO Application are for informational purposes only, actual Products may not correspond to such photos.

Before performing the Product and the Retail Trade Service, the User is obliged to carefully review his choice. Once the User has placed an Order, it cannot be cancelled by the User.

TEZRO has the right to cancel the order or restrict the execution of orders if the Seller does not have the goods ordered by the User.

Notices of delivery times provided to the User in the TEZRO Application are for informational purposes only and do not and cannot take into account circumstances beyond the control of TEZRO and the Seller, including: delays due to adverse weather conditions, traffic jams, etc.

The User is responsible for the completeness, sufficiency and correctness of the data entered during the order. The User bears the risk of the consequences of incorrectly providing the information required to fulfil the order, including the fact that it is not possible to fulfil the order properly and make the delivery.

TEZRO has the right to refuse the User to place an order if the User's previous orders have not been delivered due to the User's fault.

TEZRO has the right to refuse the User to provide the Retail Trade Service without notifying the User and / or without explaining the reasons.

Delivery of the order of retail trade service

  • The User undertakes to personally receive the ordered Products or to ensure the presence of a third party at the place of delivery who is able to accept the order on behalf of the User.

  • At the time of accepting the order, the User undertakes to check the compliance of the content of the order with the User's wishes. If problems are found with the delivered order, the User has the right not to accept such order.

  • The delivery obligation is considered fulfilled at the time of delivery of the order to the address specified by the User.

  • If in case of delivery of the Order the User is not at the place of receipt, does not answer calls or refuses to accept the Order (for reasons not related to quality / defects), TEZRO has the right to deduct the funds received from the User for the order. The User undertakes not to request such a sum of money from TEZRO.

  • The User has the right to make claims in the TEZRO Application within 1 (one) hour regarding the quality of the Products, shortage, Courier actions and delivery conditions. TEZRO undertakes to review the User's claim within 1 (one) business day from the moment of receipt of the claim.

  • If the User does not make a claim in the TEZRO Application within the mentioned term, the Order is considered fulfilled and accepted without claims.

Payment for the order of retail trade service

  • The User pays for the order by online payment (non-cash payment) in the TEZRO Application with a VISA / MasterCard bank card using the Stripe payment system. All additional costs for transferring money to the order are covered by the User.

  • The User has the opportunity to link their bank card to their profile. The amount of any future order of the User will be automatically deducted from the bank card attached to the profile, without providing detailed payment card information.

  • The User has the right to pay in full or in part for the order with post-paid TEZRO tokens. Post-paid TEZRO tokens entitle the User to make a deferred payment for the ordered Goods - the User must pay for post-paid TEZRO tokens no later than the term specified in the TEZRO Application by making monthly automatic payments in the TEZRO Application from the User's bank card attached to the TEZRO Application.

  • Bank card transactions are approved by the bank. If the bank has reason to believe that the operation is fraudulent, then the bank has the right to refuse to perform the operation. Bank card fraud is a criminal offense.

  • In order to avoid fraudulent payments with bank cards, TEZRO can, as far as possible, verify payments made with a bank card. The User who has made such a payment is obliged to submit a copy of the necessary documents to confirm the lawful use of the bank card upon TEZRO's request.

  • In case of a refund, the money is refunded to the bank card used by the User to make the payment and the used post-paid TEZRO tokens are permanently deleted.

Right of withdrawal of retail trade service

The User, as a consumer, has the right to cancel the order of the Products within 14 days from the date of receipt of these Products.

The User has no right to refuse the goods specified in the Consumer Rights Protection Law, including:

  • Foods and products which, due to their nature, cannot be resold, perishable or expire (including cut flowers and flower arrangements);

  • Goods which, by reason of their nature, have been irreversibly mixed with other goods after delivery;

  • Games, films, computer programs and other sealed goods as soon as the packaging of such goods is opened;

  • Hygienic and intimate goods after opening their packaging;

  • For goods made to order according to the User's specifications and instructions.

The User is entitled to cancel the order by contacting the Seller, subject to the above-mentioned withdrawal period, returning the Product to the relevant Seller at the point of sale, presenting the receipt received from TEZRO. TEZRO is not involved in such a procedure.

III Defi staking brokerage service terms

Terms and conditions of receipt of defi staking brokerage service

In order to receive the DeFi Staking Brokerage Service, the User performs the following actions:

  • Before receiving the service, the User ensures that the relevant cryptocurrency assets are in the User's virtual wallet in the TEZRO Application;

  • the User selects one of the offered DeFi Staking platforms in the TEZRO Application;

  • in the TEZRO Application, the User indicates the amount of the respective cryptocurrency assets that he wishes to place on the relevant DeFi Staking platform;

  • After checking the entered information, the User confirms his choice in the TEZRO Application.

TEZRO strives to offer its Users only the best DeFi Staking projects. However, the TEZRO Application only acts as a platform through which TEZRO, as an intermediary, demonstrates projects to the User and provides User-related services, such as helping the User to place cryptocurrency assets on DeFi Staking platforms.

TEZRO does not take any responsibility for any losses that may be caused to the User (including changes in the prices of cryptocurrency assets, profit payments, security), as it acts only as an intermediary.

Payment for the defi staking brokerage service

The User pays the following fees to TEZRO for receiving the DeFi Staking Brokerage Service:

  • for the conversion of cryptocurrency assets in the User's virtual wallet from cryptocurrency assets ETHEREUM (ETH, ERC-20) or TETHER (USDT, ERC-20) to another cryptocurrency asset required for the respective DeFi Staking platform and conversion back, the User pays a conversion commission TEZRO 5% (five) percent of the amount to be converted;

  • in case that the User places cryptocurrency assets with a value of less than the equivalent of USD 3'000.00 (three thousand US dollars) on the DeFi Staking Platform via the DeFi Staking Brokerage Service, the User shall not pay a commission to TEZRO for placing cryptocurrency assets on the DeFi Staking Platform, but for the withdrawal of cryptocurrency assets from the DeFi Staking platform the User pays a TEZRO commission in the amount of 0.5% (zero point five percent) of the value of the withdrawn cryptocurrency assets;

  • in case that the User places cryptocurrency assets equal to or exceeding the equivalent of USD 3'000.00 (three thousand US dollars) on the DeFi Staking platform via the DeFi Staking Brokerage Service, the User shall pay a commission to TEZRO for the placement and withdrawal of cryptocurrency assets from the DeFi staging platform The User pays a TEZRO commission of 0.5% (zero point five percent) of the value of the placed and withdrawn cryptocurrency assets.

All of the above commissions are paid through cryptocurrency assets, withholding commissions from the respective value of the cryptocurrency assets to be converted, placed and withdrawn.

IV Cryptocurrency exchange service

Terms and conditions of receipt of cryptocurrency exchange service

Before receiving the Cryptocurrency Exchange Service, the User must verify his identity in the TEZRO Application by performing the Know-your-client (KYC) procedure. Cryptocurrency Exchange Service is not available for Users without KYC verification.

In order to receive the Cryptocurrency Exchange Service, the User performs the following actions:

  • Before receiving the service, the User ensures that the relevant cryptocurrency assets or Fiat assets are in the User's Virtual Wallet in the TEZRO Application;

  • To deposit Fiat assets to User’s Virtual Wallet, the User selects the appropriate Fiat assets in the TEZRO Application, which the User wants to deposit into his Virtual Wallet.

  • The user makes a fiat currency deposit in the TEZRO Application with the attached bank card.

  • To request a Fiat assets payment from other persons, the User fills in the necessary data for a Fiat assets deposit in the TEZRO Application and sends a Fiat assets request to the indicated e-mail through TEZRO Application. The User or any other third party follows the instructions in the received e-mail and deposits the Fiat assets into the User's Virtual Wallet.

  • To deposit Cryptocurrency assets to User’s Virtual Wallet, the User selects the appropriate Cryptocurrency assets and network in the TEZRO Application, which the User wants to deposit into his Virtual Wallet. The User is obliged to make sure that the selected Cryptocurrency asset and network is the same as the Cryptocurrency asset and network of the platform the User is withdrawing funds from. If the User selects the wrong Cryptocurrency asset and network, the User will lose funds and TEZRO and any other person will not be able to return these funds. TEZRO is not responsible for User’s funds lose.

  • After making sure that all the data is correct, the User performs the necessary actions for the transaction of Cryptocurrency assets.

  • To exchange assets, the User selects the swap tab in the TEZRO Application, selects the assets to be exchanged and obtained, selects the amount that the User wants to exchange and accepts choice by pressing the exchange button.

  • After the exchange, the specified funds will be deposited into the User's virtual wallet.

The user has the right to keep assets in his Virtual Wallet for an unlimited time.

To withdraw assets from the Virtual Wallet, the User performs the following actions:

  • To withdraw Cryptocurrency assets from User’s Virtual Wallet, the User selects the appropriate Cryptocurrency assets and network in the TEZRO Application, to which the User wants to withdraw from his/her Virtual Wallet. The User is obliged to make sure that the selected Cryptocurrency asset and network is the same as the Cryptocurrency asset and network of the platform the User is depositing funds to. If the User selects the wrong Cryptocurrency asset and network, the User will lose funds and TEZRO and any other person will not be able to return these funds. TEZRO is not responsible for User’s funds lose.

  • After making sure that all the data is correct, the User performs the necessary actions for the transaction of Cryptocurrency assets.

Payment for the cryptocurrency exchange service

The User pays the following fees to TEZRO for receiving the Cryptocurrency Exchange Service:

  • for the conversion of Cryptocurrency assets in the User's virtual wallet from Cryptocurrency assets to another cryptocurrency asset, the User pays a exchange commission in the amounts specified in the TEZRO Application;

  • for the conversion of Cryptocurrency assets in the User's virtual wallet from cryptocurrency assets to Fiat asset or vice versa, the User pays a exchange commission in the amounts specified in the TEZRO Application;

  • for depositing Cryptocurrency assets to Virtual Wallet, the User does not pay any commission;

  • for depositing Fiat asset to Virtual Wallet, the User pays a deposit commission in the amounts specified in the TEZRO Application;

  • for withdrawal of Fiat asset or Cryptocurrency assets from Virtual Wallet, the User pays a withdrawal commission in the amounts specified in the TEZRO Application.

V Final terms

Intellectual property rights

  • All Intellectual Property rights in connection with the Services and related documentation and all parts and copies thereof remain the sole property of TEZRO and / or its subcontractors / licensors. "Intellectual Property Rights" means copyright and related rights (including database and catalogue rights as well as photographic rights), patents, functional models, design rights, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets, know-how and any other registered or forms of unregistered intellectual property rights.

  • These Terms do not grant the User any intellectual property rights in the Services, and all rights not expressly granted herein are reserved to TEZRO and its subcontractors / licensors.

  • Apple is not responsible for any investigation, settlement or claim arising out of the infringement of the intellectual property rights of any third party by the iOS TEZRO Application or your use of it.


  • The Parties shall be liable for non-performance or incorrect performance of their obligations in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Lithuania.

  • TEZRO has the right to receive questions from the Users about the delivery of the order within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the date of delivery / expected delivery, and in order to avoid fraud, the User undertakes to provide materials with a photo / video about order damage or other quality / completeness violations, the requirements of the centre (including, but not limited to, the combination of numbers and letters on the order packaging at the request of the contact centre operator), providing a photograph of the processed order / goods). The User undertakes not to destroy the damaged order / goods until the situation is resolved.

  • TEZRO has the right to verify the User using the telephone number provided during registration if there are any doubts or disputes, claims and complaints from Users who have not been verified (for example, who have registered using a virtual number for fraudulent purposes).

  • The User agrees that all services are provided "as is" and that TEZRO is not responsible for the quality of the delivered goods, delays, defects, incorrect or untimely delivery (by Sellers, couriers or other third parties), defect payment systems , as well as the fact that the Sellers do not fulfil / improperly fulfil the User 's wishes indicated in the field "Comment".

  • TEZRO reserves the right to cancel the User's order, block the User's account in cases when the User uses obscene, rude, obscene language or other immoral User behaviour in communication with TEZRO, the Courier, the Seller.

Claims and dispute resolutions procedures

  • If the User has any claims regarding the Services or the operation of the TEZRO Application, the User is invited to first contact TEZRO, describing the situation and sending an e-mail to: info@tezro.com.

  • If the complaint or claim is found to be unfounded, the User has the right to use the alternative dispute resolution options specified in the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Lithuania. The User also has the right to apply for and receive assistance from the Consumer Rights Protection Centre of the Republic of Lithuania, an out-of-court dispute resolution body (if any) or a court.

  • If disputes cannot be resolved through negotiations, they shall be resolved in the court of the Republic of Lithuania in accordance with the Regulations and the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Lithuania. Jurisdiction is determined by TEZRO's registered office at the time the action is brought.

Final terms

  • TEZRO has the right to unilaterally revise or change the Terms at any time, supplement, change, limit, expand the functional possibilities of the TEZRO Application, as well as unilaterally change the payment procedure and prices without any special notice to the User.

  • The date of the last update is indicated when making changes in the current version of the Terms.

  • The new version of the Terms comes into force from the moment it is placed in the TEZRO Application.

  • The User is obliged to get acquainted with the current version of the Terms before using any Services. Use of the TEZRO Application and Services after the entry into force of the new version of the Terms means that the User agrees to it and the terms of the new version are applicable to him in full.

Date of revision: 24.08.2022. / Date of publication: 24.08.2022.